Murphy Network Card CDV100F User Manual

Installation and Operations Manual  
Section 78  
Table of Contents  
General Information................................................................................................................ 1  
Introduction ..................................................................................................................1  
Installation Instructions.......................................................................................................... 2  
Electrical Connection ...................................................................................................3  
Panel Mounting ............................................................................................................5  
Operation and Maintenance................................................................................................... 6  
Gage Driver Outputs ....................................................................................................6  
Indicating LEDs............................................................................................................6  
Specifications.......................................................................................................................... 8  
Power Supply...............................................................................................................8  
Inputs ...........................................................................................................................8  
General ........................................................................................................................8  
General Information  
As part of the MurphyLink® family, the Murphy CANdriveoffers a cost effective instrument  
solution for modern electronic engines. CANdrive acts as an interface between ECU  
CANbus/J1939 transmitted data and standard electric indicating gages. CANdrive and electric  
gages are an alternative solution to retrofitting of engine senders, magnetic pickups and  
associated wiring.  
CANdrive has dedicated outputs for a tachometer, oil pressure, and coolant temperature  
electric gages. User configurable links allow for selectivity between 12 or 24 VDC systems,  
and for all gage outputs to be selected for Murphy, VDO, or Datcon.  
CANdrive is packaged in a compact, surface mounted case with epoxy encapsulation for  
maximum durability and environmental sealing. Electrical connection is via a 12-way  
automotive-type connector.  
Standard Model Options  
Stock Code  
Model / Description  
CDV100F, CAN drive J1939 to electric gage interface. 1 x CAN  
status LED, connector forward  
CDV300R, CANdrive J1939 to electric gage interface. 8 x  
status/fault LEDs, connector rearward. Model CDVG sealing  
gasket included.  
CDV-PW-30, CANdrive power and CAN harness. Length: 30 in.  
(0.762m). Included with CDV100F and CDV300R  
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Installation Instructions  
CANdrive modules are supplied with 5 circuit board links soldered in place. These wire links,  
labeled L1 through L5, are located on the back side of the unit.  
The links allow configuration of operating options by snipping the appropriate wire according to  
the following configuration table.  
WARNING: The configuration links are one-time breakable and are  
not replaceable. Care must therefore be taken to select the  
correct options before cutting links.  
Configuration Table  
CANbus 120 Ohm resistor  
DC supply voltage  
Link Options  
Cut L1 to remove 120 Ohm terminating resistor.  
Leave L2 intact for 12V operation  
Cut L2 for 24V operation  
Gage output options  
Leave L3 and L4 intact for Murphy gages (see  
compatibility table)  
Cut L3 only for Datcon gages (see compatibility table)  
Cut L4 only for VDO gages (see compatibility table)  
Leave L5 intact for 0-7 bar gages  
Cut L5 for 0-10 bar gages  
VDO pressure gage range  
Section 78  
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Gage Compatibility Tables  
Electrical Connection  
CANdrive modules electrical connection is through a 12-way automotive type receptacle  
shown right. CANdrive models are available with the connector facing forward through the front  
label (‘F’ option, e.g. model CDV100F), or rearward through the epoxy encapsulation (‘R’  
option, model CDV300R).  
CANdrive electrical connection is through a 12-way automotive type receptacle. A 30-inch  
connector harness is included with each CANdrive model, and has each wire individually  
labeled for ease of installation.  
Typical Connection  
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Terminal Functions  
Negative DC, power supply  
Positive DC, power supply  
Negative DC, gage common return  
CANdrive modules are supplied for use with 12V (7 to 16V) DC operation. If 24V  
(19 to 30V) DC operation is required, remove (cut) rear link L2.  
Connect a 1 Amp anti-surge fuse in the positive DC line (pin 2).  
Oil pressure gage output  
Coolant temperature gage output  
Pins 4 and 6 give a variable current output for driving oil pressure and coolant  
temperature electric gages. The current versus pressure/temperature curve is  
specific to each gage type, and must be selected by cutting appropriate links L3, L4  
and L5 - see Configuration section above.  
Tachometer output  
Pin 7 gives a square wave output (0V to battery positive DC), with a frequency that  
is proportional to engine speed. At 1500 RPM engine speed, the output is  
approximately 121 Hz, suitable for driving charge alternator based tachometers  
such as the Murphy AT(H)A series. Pin 7 gives no output below 100 RPM engine  
Connect each output to the appropriate gage/ tachometer signal input.  
Gage/tachometer negative terminals should be common to battery negative, ideally  
via dedicated wiring to terminal 3. (The use of dedicated return wiring to pin 3  
rather than a ground return will minimize gage inaccuracies caused by ground  
CAN Hi  
CAN Lo  
Connect these terminals to the engine CANbus, taking care to observe the correct  
polarity. The CANbus cable screen/shield is typically connected to ground at the  
ECU end: refer to the engine manufacturer’s installation guidelines.  
CANdrive modules are supplied with a 120 Ohm network terminating resistor fitted  
in-circuit between CAN Hi and CAN Lo. If CANdrive module is not positioned at the  
end of the CANbus network, remove the resistor by snipping out rear link L1.  
Reserved for future use  
Factory use  
Factory use  
Factory use  
NOTE: Connection Pins 9, 10, 11, and 12 are reserved for future use, or  
are used in the factory setup of CANdrive modules. Do not connect wiring  
or equipment to these terminals. Connection can result in permanent  
damage to CANdrive modules.  
Section 78  
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Panel Mounting  
WARNING: Do not install the CANdrive module near exhaust  
manifolds, turbochargers or other engine locations that might  
exceed the maximum allowable operating temperature of 185°F  
CANdrive modules are surface-mounted with four no.4 screws, fixing center dimensions as  
shown. Select screw length according to panel thickness, ensuring a maximum of 1/2 inch  
(13mm) screw depth into the CANdrive module fixing holes.  
Model CDV100F, with forward facing connector, is designed for surface-mounting inside an  
enclosed panel.  
Model CDV300F, with additional LEDs and rearward facing connector, is designed for front-of-  
panel mounting: these modules require an additional 2.4” x 1.6” (60 x 40mm) cut-out for rear  
access to connector and links. The CDV300F includes a CDVG gasket (fitted into a well  
behind the rim of the case) to provide front environmental sealing to IP65.  
Before mounting, ensure that the final position allows access for:  
Connection of the included wire harness.  
Configuration of links L1 to L5 (position as shown). Alternatively, ensure that the links  
are set correctly before mounting. See Configuration section below for full details.  
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Operation and Maintenance  
Gage Driver Outputs  
Gage outputs operate when CANdrive module reads valid J1939 data for engine speed, oil  
pressure and coolant temperature. If CANdrive module stops receiving valid data, the gage  
outputs are maintained at the last known value for approximately five seconds, after which time  
the outputs are turned off.  
Indicating LEDs  
All standard models have a green CAN status LED. A flashing CAN status LED indicates that  
CANdrive module is powered, but is not receiving any J1939 data. A constantly lit CAN status  
LED indicates a good CANbus connection and J1939 activity. (Note: J1939 activity can  
originate from ANY device on the CANbus network, and may not be valid data from the engine  
Model CDV300R has additional LEDs for indication of engine faults, as transmitted from the  
ECU. CANdrive modules respond to single DM1 (active fault code) messages that contain a  
Suspect Parameter Number (SPN), Fault Mode Indicator (FMI) and warning/stop lamp data.  
CANdrive modules also read multi-packet transport messages broadcast using the broadcast  
address message (BAM) protocol.  
LEDs typically light continuously to indicate a shutdown fault, and flash to indicate a (non-  
shutdown) warning fault.  
CANdrive modules can handle up to 8 simultaneous faults at one time; additional fault  
messages are not registered. When a fault becomes inactive and is no longer broadcast, the  
appropriate LED goes out after approximately two seconds.  
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CANdrive modules have no user-serviceable parts. Maintenance is therefore limited to the  
following preventative checks:  
Check that electrical connections are secure.  
Check that the CANdrive module is securely mounted and kept free from  
exposure to water or build up of excessive dust/dirt. The front label and casing  
may be wiped with a clean, damp cloth. Do not use cleaning solvents.  
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Power Supply  
Operating voltage:  
12V range (link L2-in place) 7-16 VDC  
24V range (link L2-cut) 19-30 VDC  
Current consumption:  
CDV100F: 25mA typical  
CDV300R: 50mA, typical (2 LEDs lit)  
SAE J1939 protocol, Input fitted with 120 Ohm terminating resistor, removable by cutting link L1.  
Oil pressure gage, coolant temperature gage  
Link selectable for Murphy, VDO or Datcon electric gages  
Pulsed DC, approximately 121 Hz @ 1500 RPM  
Overall dimensions (W x H x D)  
Case: 2.7x3.8x0.9 inch (68x96x22mm) (allow 2 inches (50mm) depth with connector)  
Weight: approximately .18 lbs (80g)  
Environmental sealing  
CDV300R: IP65 from front with CDVG gasket (included)  
Operating ambient temperature: -40° F to 185° F (-40°C to +85°C)  
Storage temperature: -67°F to 221°F (-55°C to 105°C)  
Operating Vibration: .02 lbs (10g) (5-2000 Hz)  
Operating Shock: .11 lbs (50g) (3-axis)  
Section 78  
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MURPHY, the Murphy logo, and CANdrive are registered and/or common law trademarks of Murphy Industries,  
Inc. This document, including textual matter and illustrations, is copyright protected by Murphy Industries, Inc.,  
with all rights reserved. (c) 2007 Murphy Industries, Inc. Other third party product or trade names referenced  
herein are the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only.  
Section 78  
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